First of all, let me just mention how much I love to use egg cartons to organize my craft supplies. You can fill the egg carton with all sorts of pasta shapes for this project.
What you will need:
Craft glue
Cardboard or thick cardstock(to support weight of pasta)
Paint (I used Acrylic, but if you have little kids doing this project you can use tempera and they will work just as good)
First, I bent my cardboard into 3 distinct sections. This will make it stand easier.
Second, I decided on my design and penciled it on to the cardboard.
Third, I applied glue over my penciled design (work in small sections so the glue doesn't dry while you are working)
Fourth, I chose my pasta pieces and arranged them on the glue design
Let the glue dry for a few hours or overnight before you start the next step.
Fifth, I painted my cardboard and pasta charcoal gray.
Sixth, I added 3 different metallic colors to the project to create a spooky effect.
And, that's it. So easy, and so fun...pasta, glueing, painting a great way for the little ones to get into the Halloween spirit.
Send me an email of your pasta creation and I will post it in my artist gallery: